
Festive installation of new Rosalind Franklin Fellows

On Monday 10 November 2014, seventeen new Rosalind Franklin Fellows were installed at the University of Groningen. Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken and Prof Ingrid Molema, Chair of the RFF Committee, stressed the importance of the Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme, which has been designed to create room for talented woman scientists as well as to increase the number of woman scientists with a permanent appointment at the university.

After the new Rosalind Franklin Fellows were introduced via short videos, Dr Catarina Dutilh Novaes gave a passionate lecture titled ‘In praise of affirmative action’. ‘Long live the RFF programme!’, said Novaes, Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the Faculty of Philosophy since 2012. ‘There are many reasons to ensure that it continues to be the successful affirmative action programme it has been for more than ten years. You are role models, you are paving the way.’

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