
How did England develop from the world’s leading power into a failing state? | dr. Danny Dorling on ‘Shattered Nation.’

dr. Danny Dorling on his book ‘Shattered Nation. Inequality and the Geography of A Failing State.’
Life expectancy is decreasing. Children are even smaller than before. England once had the best medical care in Europe. Now it’s at the bottom of the European list, only above Bulgaria.
‘If you go into houses outside of the area of Londen, Cambridge and Oxford, you’ll be shocked by what you’ll see,’ dr. Danny Dorling argued on Tuesday 19 December. ‘And that was even so before Brexit.’ It is one of the many indications that Great Britain isn’t that great anymore.
But how did England develop from the world’s leading power into a failing state? Dr. Dorling is looking for an answer in his latest Book Shattered Nation. Inequality and the Geography of A Failing State,

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